Muhangi calls on Minister Ogwang to lift the ban on schools’ boxing

Bombers' Joshua Tukamuhebwa (R) is the only Ugandan boxer with a shot at qualification for the 2024 Paris Olympics

BOXING Muhangi calls on Minister Ogwang to lift the ban on schools’ boxing

Fred Mwambu • 15:37 - 13.04.2023

Former Minister Hamson Obua suspended boxing in schools on June 10th, 2022, without further explanation.

The Uganda Boxing Federation president Moses Muhangi has called for Minister of State for Education and Sports, Hon. Peter Ogwang, to lift the suspension of boxing in schools.

Ogwang’s predecessor Hamson Obua suspended boxing in schools on June 10th, 2022, without further explanations.

“The FL?MoES guided that the plan to organise the above championship be suspended pending a decision from a meeting with top Management of Ministry [of] Education and Sports to be held soon,” the letter signed by Obua read in part.

However, almost a year down the line, the ministry has come out with neither a position nor an explanation.


Observers in the case believed that the-then minister could have cancelled the games because of safety concerns which Muhangi quashes.

“Boxing is an Olympic and commonwealth sport meaning that research has been done by the international bodies and sanctioned as a safe sport,” Muhangi explains Pulse Sports.

“Furthermore,” he adds, “the schools’ competitions are internationally run by the International Schools Federation (ISF), which Uganda is a party to.

According to UBF’s records, 45 schools participated in a similar school competition in 2019 and 55 took part in UBF’s championships last year.

“Many schools and students continue to show readiness to practise in their loved sport of choice, so we hope Hon. Ogwang will lift the unfortunate and unpopular suspension.

Muhangi says the continued suspension will lead to poor performances in a sport that has brought the country pride through the years.

He also feels that the stalemate is stalling the growth of youngsters who are in school and are interested in boxing.
