5 reasons why Divock Origi has struggled post-Liverpool

5 reasons why Divock Origi has struggled post-Liverpool

Festus Chuma 07:04 - 17.06.2024

Divock Origi has faced challenges post-Liverpool, with factors like management changes and injuries affecting his performance and confidence.

Divock Origi's journey post-Liverpool has been marked more by its struggles than successes,a stark contrast to his iconic moments at Anfield.

The Belgian forward, once celebrated for his crucial goals in key matches for Liverpool, has found it challenging to replicate that form at AC Milan and Nottingham Forest.

As fans and analysts ponder the cause, insights from Jurgen Klopp provide some clarity on why Origi has not quite hit his stride.

1. Lack of a defined role

At Liverpool, Origi was often utilized as a super-sub, a role in which he thrived under Klopp's management.

This specific positioning allowed him to make impactful appearances, often swinging games in Liverpool's favor with his timely goals.

However, since his departure, Origi has struggled to secure a similarly defined role at Milan and Forest.

This lack of a clear position on the team has likely contributed to his inconsistent performances and reduced effectiveness.

2 Injury setbacks

A significant factor in Origi's struggles appears to be the long-term impact of past injuries.

Klopp vividly recalled a critical moment in Origi's early career when a severe tackle by Ramiro Funes Mori of Everton severely injured his ankle.

The injury not only sidelined him for a considerable period but also hampered his development during a crucial phase of his career.

Despite rushing back for the Europa League final, it's clear that the injury had a lasting impact on his physical capabilities and confidence.

3. Managerial changes and system incompatibility

Since leaving Liverpool, Origi has played under multiple managers at Milan and Forest each with their style and tactical setup.

This frequent change in management and lack of consistent tactical direction has likely made it difficult for Origi to adapt and find his footing.

The systems he has been part of might not have played to his strengths, as opposed to Klopp's system at Liverpool, which maximized his potential through specific, targeted use.

4. Reduced confidence and support

Klopp highlighted the importance of managerial support and confidence in a player's success.

At Liverpool, Origi benefitted from close-quarters support and clear communication from Klopp, who was keen on managing his squad players effectively.

Post-Liverpool, the more sporadic starting opportunities and less direct managerial support might have affected his confidence, making it challenging for him to perform consistently.

5. Expectations and pressure

Leaving a club where one is considered a legend carries its own set of pressures.

For Origi, the expectations to replicate his heroic performances for Liverpool in new environments have been high.

The pressure to perform without the same level of team support and fan adoration he enjoyed at Liverpool may also have weighed on him, affecting his psychological readiness and on-field performance.

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