Arsenal star Gabriel Jesus Embraces Pressure, Aims for More Goals

Gabriel Jesus Embracing the Pressure at Arsenal || X

Arsenal star Gabriel Jesus Embraces Pressure, Aims for More Goals

Stephen Oladehinde 18:09 - 01.02.2024

Gabriel Jesus, the talented Brazilian striker, has always been accustomed to the weight of expectations throughout his career. Whether it be representing the Brazilian national team, donning the Manchester City jersey, or competing in the prestigious UEFA Champions League, the pressure to perform at the highest level has been a constant companion.

However, as he nears the remarkable milestone of 100 goals in the Premier League, Jesus reflects on his mindset, acknowledging the need for a subtle shift in focus to further elevate his game.

Embracing Pressure and Scoring Records

Jesus has faced immense pressure since his early days in Brazilian football, where expectations are sky-high for aspiring talents. 

His journey continued at Manchester City, where he has been an integral part of the team's success. In his own words, as reported by Arsenal Buzz on X, "I have been living with this [pressure] all my life." Yet, his ability to embrace and thrive under pressure is a testament to his character and skill.

 "I am close to 100 [goals] in the Premier League, that’s not easy! Then in the Champions League, I am scoring a lot, in the national team I score."

Changing Mindset and Focusing on Goals

Despite his accomplishments, Gabriel Jesus recognizes that he has sometimes allowed his focus to stray from his primary objective – scoring goals. 

Gabriel Jesus, Arsenal forward (IMAGO)
Gabriel Jesus, Arsenal forward (IMAGO)

He acknowledges that this shift in mindset might have been a mistake. However, he is determined to rectify it by making a conscious effort to position himself in the box more often and seize every opportunity to find the back of the net.

 "Sometimes, like I say, I am not focused on that [scoring goals] and that’s I think my mistake. So now, I think I change my mindset and I will be in the box more — and I try everything to score," he added.