Betting firm ordered to pay Simba striker John Bocco millions in image rights case

© Simba SC

FOOTBALL Betting firm ordered to pay Simba striker John Bocco millions in image rights case

Festus Chuma 21:09 - 07.09.2023

Tanzanian international John Bocco has been awarded millions of shillings in a landmark court ruling against Princes Leisure (T) Ltd.

A court has awarded Simba SC striker John Raphael Bocco Tsh200 million (approximately Ksh 11,676,169) for the unauthorized use of his image in a commercial advertisement.

Judge Ilvin Mugeta sitting at the High Court in Dar es Salaam declared that Princes Leisure (T) Ltd, a local betting company, had violated Bocco's rights by featuring his image without obtaining his consent.

Bocco had initially sought compensation of Tsh1 billion (around Ksh 58,380,845) and 25 percent of the royalty for the entire duration his image was used in the advertisement. 

The dispute stemmed from an advertisement posted on the company's Instagram page between November 18, 2021, and December 1, 2021. 

The advertisement, which displayed a photo of Bocco, was accompanied by the message: "The NBC League continues today with 3 matches. The biggest one is that Simba will be the guest of Ruvu Shooting in Mwanza at the CCM Kirumba tournament. Money days are back." 

Bocco, represented by his legal team comprising Innocent Michael and Gadi Kabele, argued that the unauthorised use of his image implied a breach of his contract with Simba Sports Club.

The case, designated as number 118 of 2022, proceeded as an ex parte case, as the defendant, Princes Leisure (T) Ltd, failed to submit a written defense within the legal time limit, leading to their removal from the proceedings.

Judge Mugeta convened the case on August 25, 2023, and subsequently delivered the judgment on August 31, 2023.