Euro 2024: Bloody scenes in Germany as fans clash before England’s match with Serbia

Euro 2024: Bloody scenes in Germany as fans clash before England’s match with Serbia

Joel Omotto 20:36 - 16.06.2024

There were ugly scenes in Germany as violence erupted leading to bloodshed ahead of the Euro 2024 match pitting England and Serbia.

Violence erupted in Germany just hours ahead of the Euro 2024 opening match between England and Serbia.

The incident, which occurred outside a restaurant-bar around 3.30pm local time, involved multiple fans and resulted in injuries and arrests.

According to reports, the violence was initially triggered by an attack from Albanian fans on Serbian supporters, escalating into a broader clash involving English fans as well.

German police intervened, and riot police were seen clashing with a mob of supporters. At least six people have been arrested, but the nationalities of those involved have not yet been confirmed.

Amid the chaos, one English fan reportedly suffered a head wound, while another sustained unspecified injuries. Images from the scene show fans being detained, though their identities remain unclear.

The UK's dedicated Football Policing Unit has acknowledged the situation, confirming multiple arrests. However, they believe that those detained are primarily Serbian.

The altercation casts a shadow over the anticipated match between England and Serbia, scheduled to kick off at 8 PM tonight. The return of football hooliganism is a worrying sign, marring the excitement surrounding the Euro 2024 tournament.