FIFA investigating sexual harassment claims involving African teams at Women’s World Cup

Zambia Women national team players during training ahead of a game during the 2023 Women Woelr Cup in New Zealand | photo Credit: Courtesy

FOOTBALL FIFA investigating sexual harassment claims involving African teams at Women’s World Cup

Shafic Kiyaga 16:31 - 10.08.2023

While FIFA's spokesperson emphasized the organization's commitment to taking such allegations with utmost seriousness, the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) expressed surprise at the accusations.

FIFA has commenced an investigation into allegations of sexual assault involving Zambia's head coach, Bruce Mwape.

The world's leading football governing body confirmed that they had received a formal complaint, accusing Mwape of inappropriate behaviour with one of his players during a training session.

The alleged incident unfolded in New Zealand on 29 July, where Mwape was reportedly seen placing his hands over a player's chest.

The training in question took place just two days prior to Zambia's final group match against Costa Rica. In a remarkable feat, Zambia clinched their maiden World Cup victory with a 3-1 win in that match.

While FIFA's spokesperson emphasized the organization's commitment to taking such allegations with utmost seriousness, the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) expressed surprise at the accusations.

FAZ stated, "We have not received any such complaint," adding that all training sessions of the Copper Queens, Zambia's national team, were captured on video by their media team, and no such incident is evident in the footage.

Reinforcing their dedication to maintaining transparency and upholding ethical standards, FAZ assured the public that they wouldn't hesitate to implement disciplinary actions if concrete evidence or an official complaint is presented regarding the incident.

It was also highlighted that a FIFA film crew, assigned to the Zambian team, was present during all training sessions, adding another layer of accountability.

Following the incident's initial reports, the New Zealand police got involved. A spokesperson for the police remarked, "We were made aware of an alleged incident and after making initial enquiries, no further action was required to be taken."

However, these allegations aren't the first against Mwape. In 2020, claims of sexual abuse involving him emerged on social media platforms.

FAZ, at the time, launched an investigation, labelling these allegations as "very serious," though no official complaints were received.

During the World Cup, Mwape faced repeated questions regarding the accusations. He staunchly denied all claims, dismissing them as "fake."
