FIFA making plans to impose 18-team leagues around the world

FIFA making plans to impose new leagues format || Imago

FIFA making plans to impose 18-team leagues around the world

Stephen Oladehinde 14:56 - 01.06.2024

Football executives are concerned that FIFA intends to impose 18-team leagues, including the Premier League, all over the world.

The planned expanded Club World Cup is causing a verbal dispute between leagues, player representatives, and the governing body.

However, Fifa's attempt to impose regulations on the number of club matches in any nation to eighteen clubs and thirty-four games is the main concern for the Premier League, La Liga in Spain, and other local leagues.

This led to players claiming they were ready to go on strike rather than play against their will.

FIFA's new plan

According to reports from the Sun, clubs have threatened to boycott the FIFA competition scheduled for the USA next summer.

Javier Tebas has expressed concern about the new plans FIFA is making for league football.

La Liga chief Javier Tebas, stated, “If we don’t take action, the industry is in danger, right now. Fifa's solution is just to create new competitions.

FIFA (Football governing body) || Imago
FIFA (Football governing body) || Imago

“But for that to happen and for us to be able to fit these competitions in, we would have to lose two clubs from La Liga.

“That would mean we'd have to make 70 players unemployed at those clubs and it would lose thousands of jobs related to those clubs.

“We need to fix the current problems before creating new competitions that will destroy the industry, clubs, jobs, the dreams of fans - and football.”

Premier League managers are concerned that Fifa may try to impose a cutback on the number of top-flight players.

The World League Association, which represents the major leagues and is led by Prem Chief Executive Richard Masters, is certain that the "working group on player welfare" that world chiefs have previously formed has already made suggestions.

Senior FIFA officials maintain that there have not been "directed" leagues to downsize to 18 teams, despite the organisation's refusal to address the allegations explicitly.
