FKF NEC members demand answers as court intervention halts AGM  proceedings

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FOOTBALL FKF NEC members demand answers as court intervention halts AGM proceedings

Festus Chuma 09:26 - 16.03.2024

FKF NEC members criticize press conference diversion as court halts AGM, emphasizing constitutional rights and transparency in governance.

FKF North Eastern NEC member Dabar Ahmedqadar, alongside Eastern NEC Member Murithi Nabea, has strongly criticized the Football Kenya Federation's (FKF) decision to focus on trivial matters rather than addressing pressing issues within the organization.

This condemnation comes in the wake of an emergency press conference held by the FKF delegates, which Ahmedqadar and Nabea labeled as a diversionary tactic.

In a press conference of their own, the duo expressed disappointment at the Federation's priorities, emphasizing the urgency of tackling significant issues such as the disappearance of COVID funds, mismanagement of the FIFA for School balls program, and the hosting of CHAN in 2024. 

"When we heard about the emergency press conference, we anticipated a discussion on crucial matters, such as the OB van fiasco, the disappearance of COVID funds, the mismanagement of the FIFA for school balls program, and the hosting of CHAN in 2024. These are pressing issues that demand attention and transparency.

 Instead, we were dismayed to witness a whole organization, calling for a presser solely to discuss one individual - Hussein Mohammed. Never in the history of this country have we seen such pettiness and mediocrity," Ahmedqadar lamented.

The controversy stemmed from the attempted blockage of Extreme Sports CEO Hussein Mohammed's attendance at the FKF Annual General Meeting (AGM), scheduled for Saturday, March 16th, at the Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE) in Nairobi.

 Murithi Nabea underscored the constitutional rights of clubs to choose their representatives.

 "The attempt to disallow Murang’a SEAL FC from sending Vice Chairman Hussein Mohammed as their representative flagrantly disregards this constitutional provision," he noted.

Both NEC members reiterated their solidarity with Murang’a SEAL FC and any other club exercising their rights under the FKF Constitution. 

 "Any assertion that Mr. Mohammed's attendance is 'ineligible' is baseless and lacks merit, particularly when it comes from individuals whose authority does not extend to dictating clubs' choices of representation," Nabea dded.

They emphasized the importance of upholding the integrity of the organization by respecting its founding principles and ensuring fair treatment for all members.

In light of these criticisms and the ongoing legal proceedings, the high court in Mombasa has issued an injunction halting the FKF's Annual General Meeting. 

This development reflects the escalating tensions within the Federation, highlighting broader concerns about governance and transparency.

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