Former Gor Mahia official blasts club over FIFA transfer ban debacle

© Image: Gor Mahia Facebook Page

FKFPL Former Gor Mahia official blasts club over FIFA transfer ban debacle

Festus Chuma 18:11 - 28.02.2024

FIFA has banned Gor Mahia for not paying ex-goalkeeper Adama Keita leading to criticism from a former official over club's administrative failures.

After a FIFA transfer ban was imposed on Gor Mahia for failing to settle financial dues with their former goalkeeper Adama Keita, former club official Sally Bolo has come forward to criticise the club's leadership for their mishandling of the situation.

The ban, which has put a spotlight on the club's administrative challenges, stems from a dispute that saw Keita awarded $30,544 in compensation by FIFA's Dispute Resolution Chamber, a sum the club failed to pay within the stipulated 45-day period.

Bolo, expressing her dismay, pointed out the club's apparent negligence and lack of foresight in resolving the issue before it escalated to a transfer ban. 

"The news of our beloved club, Gor Mahia, receiving a transfer ban from FIFA due to administrative mishaps is deeply disappointing. Despite warnings, the club's officials failed to address crucial issues, leading to this dire consequence," she lamented. 

The situation is aggravated by the club's recent history of non-compliance with local regulations, which had already seen it barred from participating in the CAF Champions League. 

This pattern of governance issues suggests a systemic problem within the club's administration that goes beyond the immediate financial disputes. 

"The recent revocation of Gor Mahia’s license by the FKF First Instance Body for non-compliance with club licensing regulations, which led to our non-participation in the CAF Champions League, should have served as a wake-up call!," Bolo added, emphasising the repeated warnings the club has ignored over time.

The financial dispute with Keita began after his contract was terminated due to inconsistent performances.

Despite an initial agreement for a payment plan that included an 18% annual interest rate on the final installment, the club failed to meet its obligations on time. 

This failure not only led to the FIFA transfer ban but also resulted in additional financial penalties for the club, further straining its resources.

Bolo's criticism extends to the broader implications of these administrative failures, suggesting that such issues tarnish the club's reputation and undermine its success on the international stage. 

"We must prioritise professionalism and compliance to restore Gor Mahia's reputation and success, and not just as a mere formality!," she concluded.

The situation leaves Gor Mahia in a precarious position with the club yet to respond to FIFA's ruling or indicate whether it plans to appeal the decision.

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