How Endrick's father used You tube videos to land him his first professional contract

How Endrick's father used You tube videos to land him his first professional contract

Eric Munene 17:43 - 04.06.2024

The start of Endrick's career as a professional footballer.

Endrick Felipe's journey to professional football began with a promise made at the tender age of 10 when he was sitting down with his father, Douglas and they shared a dream of providing their family with a better life through his footballing talents.

Football wasn't just a passion for Endrick, it was a legacy passed down from his father and grandfather, both of whom harbored dreams of making it big in the sport but never had the opportunity.

Despite facing numerous obstacles, including Douglas sleeping under Palmeiras' ticket booth for a week while hitchhiking across Brazil in search of a club, their determination remained unwavering.

Douglas tirelessly sent Endrick's Youtube highlight reels to various clubs, hoping for a breakthrough. Eventually, Palmeiras took notice and offered Endrick a chance.

Their family's humble beginnings only fueled Endrick's ambition. Born into modest means, Endrick fondly remembers a childhood centered around football.

Moving to São Paulo after joining Palmeiras, Douglas took on a job as a caretaker, placing him in the very dressing room Endrick had dreamed of.

With pride and determination, Douglas proclaimed to the squad that they would soon be playing alongside his son.

Endrick's ascent to professionalism was not only a personal triumph but a testament to his family's sacrifices and unwavering support.

Paulo Victor Gomes, Endrick's youth coach at Palmeiras, acknowledges the collective victory achieved by the family.

Their dedication and relentless pursuit of Endrick's dreams culminated in him signing his first professional contract at just 15 years old.

In fulfilling his promise to his father and seizing his opportunity, Endrick epitomizes the resilience and determination required to overcome adversity.

His journey serves as an inspiration not only to aspiring footballers but to anyone striving to turn dreams into reality against all odds.

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