How Kenya's intersex activist Chris Katch overcame stigma to win the FIFPRO Player Merit Award

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FOOTBALL How Kenya's intersex activist Chris Katch overcame stigma to win the FIFPRO Player Merit Award

Festus Chuma 09:00 - 13.12.2023

Kenya Police Bullets striker Chris Kach Mulusa wins global award for advocating intersex rights, breaking barriers both on and off the soccer field.

Kenya Police Bullets forward Chris Kach Mulusa recently achieved a remarkable milestone that transcends the boundaries of football itself.

Amidst the cheers of fans and fellow players, Chris Kach was awarded in absentia the prestigious FIFPRO Player Activism Award at the 2023 FIFPRO Merit Awards ceremony that took place in Cape Town, South Africa.

While those who follow the FKF Women's Premier League have marveled at her impressive goals on the pitch, it is her unwavering dedication off the field that has truly earned her this global recognition.

The FIFPRO Merit Awards, an event celebrated by the football fraternity, not only pay tribute to outstanding performances on the pitch but also shine a spotlight on the impactful work players do beyond the game.

Amongst these individual awards, the Union Impact Award is presented to player associations that have spearheaded commendable projects to enhance the welfare of professional footballers in their respective countries.

Standing tall among distinguished football figures like Oleksandr Zinchenko of Arsenal FC and Cedric Bakambu of Galatasaray FC, Chris Kach emerged as the deserving winner during the General Assembly held in South Africa.

Her journey from an aspiring footballer to an advocate for intersex individuals is nothing short of inspirational.

"It is such a huge honor to win this coveted award, which came as a surprise after KEFWA nominated me. I appreciate FIFPRO for recognizing my efforts in championing the rights and welfare of intersex players," she said.

Chris Kach, a talented forward armed with the FIFPRO Player Activism Award, is now dedicated to using this platform to continue her advocacy for players and intersex individuals alike.

In a world where many in the intersex community face stigmatization and marginalization, Kach is determined to be a steadfast voice for their rights and well-being.

"My focus now is on continuing the activism for intersex players and being a voice that recognizes their rights and efforts. There are many who have been forced into hiding due to stigmatization, and I hope that the award will be a motivation for them to speak out," added Kach.

The FIFPRO Player Activism Award not only brought Chris Kach international acclaim but also came with a significant prize of USD 10,000(Ksh 1.4million)

The world may know her as a footballer, but Chris Kach's journey is one of resilience, self-discovery, and courage.

She started playing football in primary school, nurturing a passion that would lead her to remarkable heights.

Even though her football skills were undeniable, her life took a dramatic turn when her body began to undergo changes that challenged the conventional understanding of gender.

At the time, she was known as Christine and was awarded a bursary to play for a national school, which also included the opportunity to further her education. However, the transformation she was undergoing made it difficult for her to fit into societal norms.

The school, unsure of how to handle her situation, referred her to the Kenyatta National Hospital. It was there that she received the life-altering diagnosis of being intersex.

"That was in 2014. I wanted to enroll in a different school, but they could not take me as I arrived with documentation that did not show me how I was. It was difficult dealing with these things. I was isolating myself from others because I felt I was the only one with this condition," she shared in a story on FIFPRO portal.

Navigating the complexities of her condition and societal expectations was not easy, but Chris Kach's spirit remained unbroken. She excelled in football, playing for her club's senior side in Kenya's top league.

Her talent even earned her a call-up to the national team. However, the path to international competition required extensive medical tests, which she found emotionally draining.

In 2018, she made the difficult decision to step away from both international and club football, as her mental health was suffering.

Two seasons went by without her presence on the field, but during that time, she realized the importance of her role as a trailblazer.

There were numerous intersex players who were looking up to her for inspiration, hoping to find the strength to continue playing. This realization compelled Chris Kach to make her triumphant return.

Her comeback to football was met with applause from players, coaches, and teams alike. Chris Kach's return to the game not only rekindled her own passion but also inspired other intersex players to embrace their love for the sport. She vowed to play not just for herself but for the entire intersex community, giving them the courage to pursue their dreams.

"I said that I would play for them, to give other intersex players the strength to continue with their career. Currently I am the only intersex player who has come out, but the number of intersex players is growing," she noted.

While Chris Kach's journey on the pitch has been a testament to her talent and determination, her off-field contributions are equally remarkable. She has become an advocate for intersex players, using her platform to champion their rights and inclusion in the world of sports.

"The Kenya Footballers Welfare Association were very supportive and encouraged me to return to football. But I think globally the issue of intersex players is not particularly high on the agenda. Many people believe, falsely, that it is covered by LGBTQIA+ issues. They categorize us without knowing our suffering, without knowing that there is this unique condition which is inborn," she emphasized.

Chris Kach's activism extends beyond the football field. She actively engages in community mobilization efforts, reaching out to different communities to raise awareness about intersex issues, particularly in sports.

Kenya has been at the forefront of recognizing intersex rights, with intersex inclusion in the national census in 2019 and the Children's Act of 2022 acknowledging intersex children.

Additionally, Chris Kach provides safe spaces for intersex individuals to share their experiences, including instances of public humiliation and familial neglect. 

Collaborating with an organization called Jinsiangu, Chris Kach has made a meaningful impact on the lives of intersex individuals. She does not stop at advocacy; she actively works towards empowering the community by offering opportunities for skill development, recognizing the challenges they face in finding employment.

With her small printing company, Chris Kach provides intersex people with the chance to learn soft skills that can improve their employability. This initiative is a lifeline for many who struggle to secure stable employment due to societal prejudices and misconceptions.

On the football front, Chris Kach continues to shine in the Women's Premier League for Kenya Police Bullets, earning her keep while inspiring others with her unwavering spirit.

In addition to her football career, she has ventured into entrepreneurship, owning an online shop where she sells clothing that she designs, showcasing her creative talents. 

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