How retired footballer Herbert Kungah is mentoring current generation for life after retirement

FOOTBALL How retired footballer Herbert Kungah is mentoring current generation for life after retirement

Abigael Wafula 14:20 - 03.05.2023

Kungah is a former professional footballer having played for Football Kenya Federation Premier League (FKF-PL) sides Nairobi City Stars FC and Ligi Ndogo SC.

Serious soul searching borne of pitiful lives endured by retired players in Kenya lit a fire in the belly of ex Nairobi City Stars man Herbert Kungah. The burden placed upon him to mitigate if not rectify the situation birthed a program dubbed ‘Wacheza-Tu-Invest campaign’, its aim; mentoring athletes on how to prepare for life after their active sporting careers come to an end.

According to Kungah, his main purpose with the campaign is to inculcate professionalism and break an enduring intergenerational plague by ensuring that the current generation of footballers is acquainted with basic life skills beyond the football field.

“I want to break the “bubble”-like conditions of privilege players experience while playing. Such often leave players unprepared for the real world once they retire and must manage their own lives,” Kungah told People Daily Sports.

He added that the program covers all leagues in Kenya from the county level to the Premier League with all genders involved where they are using coaches, team managers, and former players to ensure that the program is a success.

As reported by Kurunzi News, the major areas the campaign is focused on are Educational opportunities where they have partnered with Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) to provide a 50% scholarship program for athletes who may want to continue with their education.

The campaign is also focused on Financial/Investment literacy whereby they have collaborated with some Saccos to provide the education program on the Sacco products suitable for the players such as savings, viable investment plans, and credit facilities available for them. The campaign is also focused on Athlete social media branding

Under Kungah the campaign has also made great strides by collaborating with Palms Bet among many other top brands in the country to ensure that the Program is a success in terms of getting mentors and moving around the football clubs.

“I want to see established players who are accountants, bankers, doctors, engineers, and in all other professions. This perhaps what led to the birth of Athlete mentorship program something that didn’t happen during our playing time, we want players to be their own brand and role models.

We want players who can communicate effectively. Who can assume the leadership role in the society among others,” he added.

Kungah is a former professional footballer having played for Football Kenya Federation Premier League (FKF-PL) sides Nairobi City Stars FC and Ligi Ndogo SC. 

Apart from running the campaign, he also drafts sponsorship proposals to link football clubs to prospective corporate sponsors besides advising the football clubs on the implementation of club licensing criteria and techniques and why they are important.

Meanwhile, Kungah’s move to impact footballer’s lives came when his career in the local football scene came to an end. At the time, he was well-prepared for life after active football.

His then boss and former Nairobi City stars owner Peter Jabuya assigned him to assume the chief operations officer role which was to oversee all the club operations.

Kungah’s background in auditing and accounting, business management, project, events, marketing and proposal formulation ensured he was able to fit in the society easily and adopt a new way of survival.

He strongly believes that despite the challenge’s former players face, it is possible for them to find success after leaving the scene if they have the right support, education, and awareness of what might await them.
