'I was shocked' - 7 things to know about Nigerian striker allegedly sacked for impregnating club president's daughter

Donatus Edafe: Everything you need to know about Nigerian player allegedly sacked for impregnating club president's daughter |Photo Credit: X/@PrvaLigaSi

'I was shocked' - 7 things to know about Nigerian striker allegedly sacked for impregnating club president's daughter

Asukwo Oduo 07:58 - 25.09.2024

The European lady he allegedly impregnated has been forced to block him on all social media platforms.

You might have come across a story with this headline “Slovenian team sacks Nigerian player for impregnating club President's daughter” on social media.

It is the story of a Nigerian footballer Donatus Joseph Edafe who was shown the exit door after he allegedly impregnated the daughter of his Slovenian club's president.

Credible UK media firms like The Sun and Bleacher have also reported the news, with both organisations making reference to a report emanating from GhanaSoccernet.

In this article, Pulse Sports brings clarity to the story, separating facts from rumours.

That being said, here are 7 things to know about the Nigerian footballer who was allegedly sacked for gross misconduct.

1. The incident happened in 2019

The story is an old one as it was first mentioned in December 2019.

Donatus Edafe was playing in a second-division club in Slovenia, Nogometno društvo Gorica, at the time and had reportedly signed a three-year deal.

However, it was rumoured that he got sacked after falling in love with the club president's daughter and impregnating her.

"I signed a three year deal with the option of another year but last month I ran into trouble when my girlfriend who happens to be the daughter of the president said she was pregnant for me", he said.

2. His contract was terminated

The club was said to have terminated his contract for what it tagged "gross misconduct."

"The club got to know about it and summoned me for a meeting. I got there and admitted that I am responsible for the pregnancy and I was told to stay at home and not to be seen around the club premises until I am instructed to return.

"A week later I was called to the office and told that my agent has been informed about their plans to terminate my contract for gross misconduct and indiscipline. The news came to me as a surprise because I have not been found wanting in any area since I arrived the club six months ago".

3. Edafe advised to seek redress

Donatus Edafe was advised to contact FIFA by his agent, since he didn't contravene any agreement in his contract.

"My agent called me up and said we should file a case with FIFA that he has a recording of the president saying my contract was terminated for having an affair with his daughter. She's an adult for God sake, we both love each other and decided to have a child.”

4. Edafe was barred from seeing his lover

Donatus Edafe in action for Nove Gorica |Pulsesports.ng
Donatus Edafe in action for Nove Gorica |Photo Credit: X/@PrvaLigaSi

It was also reported that the club's president allegedly prevented the Nigerian striker from seeing his girlfriend.

All forms of communication with the lady was cut-off and she was allegedly advised to block Edafe on all social media platforms.

Meaning he couldn't get to know anything about her welfare and the pregnancy. His team mates were also reportedly afraid to contact the club's president daughter on his behalf for fear of being victimised.

"Now I don't know what will happen to her and the child since I'm back in Nigeria. They have forced her to block me on all social media platforms so we have not been communicating. The few friends I made at the club are also scared of speaking to me about her apparently they don't want to run into trouble with the team. I'm confused right now," he said, as reported by GhanaSoccernet. 

5. Edafe denies the allegations

A few days after the story broke out in 2019, Edafe told Nigerian news outlet Brila that there's no iota of truth in all the reports.

He said he was shocked to have read such reports about himself in the news.

According to the ex-Mighty Jets of Jos player, nothing of such ever transpired during his stay in Slovenia.

Edafe added that the club's president does not even have a daughter - thus, claims of him impregnating her were completely baseless.

"Thank you for contacting me, I don't know where the story emanated from," he told Brila.net.

"I was shocked when I read the report where they said I impregnated my former president daughter, I left Nove Gorica in 2018 and returned to Nigeria at the end of my contract." 

"I can assure you that all is fine between me and the Club, the president has no daughter, and what we share is purely professional relationship and during my time in Slovenia, we didn't share anything personal."

"The story is completely false and it must be discouraged."

6. Fact-check: Is Edafe being economical with the truth?

Pulse Sports decided to verify if Donatus Edafe was telling the truth or trying to redeem his image when he granted the interview with Brila.

A quick search through the Slovenian club’s website with Edafe’s name brought out some interesting results - one of which is a now-deleted link that detailed why the Nigerian striker was sacked.

When translated, the text reads, “Edafe leaves Gorica 05/05/2018 - ...sudden termination of the contract with the Nigerian striker Donatus......the contract with the Nigerian striker Donatus Joseph Edafe, who did not meet the expectations of the professional management. He has been a member of the club since last January, and in the blue and white jersey he has made 23 appearances and achieved...www.nd-gorica.com/2018050512155442/.”

The phrase “who did not meet the expectations of the professional management” tells us there might have been issues (not unconnected with the case of impregnating the club’s president daughter).

To corroborate this, another tweet put out by the club towed a similar line, stating that Edafe's contract was terminated after he didn't meet the "expectations of professional management."

Further checks by our reporter on whether then-Nove Gorica president Hari Archon has any daughter remains in the pipeline.

7. Where is Edafe today?

As per TransferMarket, Edafe joined Indian club Minerva Punjab after leaving Nove Gorica. The now 30-year-old striker currently plies his trade with Al-Sinaa SC in Iraq.
