"In life you have to take risks" -KCCA FC head coach backs young goalkeeper

Anthony Emojong has caught the eye of KCCA FC fans since promotion to the senior team /KCCA FC image

FOOTBALL "In life you have to take risks" -KCCA FC head coach backs young goalkeeper

Ndyamuhaki J Emanzi 11:12 - 18.08.2023

Emojong’s style of play has left many KCCA fans wondering what the consequences will be every time the team losses possession.

One of the few takeaways from KCCA FC’s first days under new head coach Sergio Traguil is the fact that the team will build its football from the back.

The goalkeeper will be an essential piece of whatever the club does, and how he plays will bring out the best of the team.

Young custodian Anthony Emojong has emerged as a breath of fresh air in the KCCA goal due to his ability to play out from the back and command the rest of the team.

And while his approach might be eye-catching, it is risky at the same time.

But head coach Sergio Traguil is ready to tolerate a few mistakes from the player promoted into the senior team from the academy.

“People that don’t risk in their life, they can’t win anything,” Traguil told Pulse Sports Friday morning.

“If you stay in your comfort zone, you can’t win anything. If we want to go beyond our limits, we have to risk,” he added.

Emojong’s style of play has left many KCCA fans wondering what the consequences will be every time the team losses possession.

Anthony Emojong applauds KCCA FC fans /COURTESY PICTURE

The 22-year-old is off his line and closer to the centre most of the time and has been empowered by his coach, who believes in a possession-based style of play.

“Emojong or whoever will be in the goal, it doesn’t matter if we risk and sometimes we fail because what shows that we want to be winners? It is the way that we come out of the mistake.

“Life is not all about victories, I will be happy if I win every single match, that will be wonderful, but I have to be prepared for defeat as well.

“The risk, it’s part of football. If we don’t risk, we can’t win, and Emojong being the first guy in our construction allows our team to go forward a little more and to break the line sometimes. I need goalkeepers that have that kind of mentality to break the line.”

Emojong will be competing for the Number One spot with Derrick Ochan.

KCCA’s next piece of action is a clash with URA FC in Sunday’s FUFA Super 8 Tournament semi-final at the MTN Omondi Stadium.
