Kenya Police ordered to pay ex-coach Ksh4 million over wrongful dismissal

©Kenya Police

Kenya Police ordered to pay ex-coach Ksh4 million over wrongful dismissal

Joel Omotto 19:47 - 04.06.2024

Kenya Police have been directed to pay their former tactician Francis Baraza Ksh4 million following his sacking in September 2023.

Kenya Police have been ordered to pay former coach Francis Baraza Ksh4 million for wrongful dismissal.

Baraza was sacked by Police in September 2023 after a poor start to the season but responded by seeking legal redress over what he felt was an unfair sacking.

The former Sony Sugar coach issued Police with a with a Ksh4.9 million demand, being Ksh3.2 million for constructive dismissal, Ksh800,000 for unfair termination of his contract, his salary arrears for September 2023, and a further Ksh400,000 for the notice period.

The Sports Disputes Tribunal agreed with most of his payers and directed Police to pay him Ksh3.6 million being 10 months’ salary arrears from September 2023 to June 2024, with an additional Ksh400,000 as one month's salary in lieu of notice.

It was double trouble for Police who were also ordered to cover the costs of the suit.

Baraza had ordered Police to pay his dues within seven days failure to which he would institute legal proceedings against the club and lived up to the promise when a payment plan was not hatched.

His legal representatives Ochutsi Munyendo & Company Advocates also forbid Police FC from discussing the matter with the fired tactician but with the legal firm.

Baraza had led Police to an impressive fourth place finish in 2022-23 before he was replaced by Croatian Zdravko Logarusic.

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