LaLiga demands immediate sanctions against Serie A giants after massive resignations

LaLiga wants to see Juventus punished for financial irregularities.

Juventus LaLiga demands immediate sanctions against Serie A giants after massive resignations

Izuchukwu Akawor 11:22 - 30.11.2022

Juventus has acknowledged financial accounting irregularities, which are also aimed at misleading UEFA financial fair play authorities, among other things.

Following the resignation of the Juventus board of directors late Monday, LaLiga demands immediate sports sanctions to be applied to the club.

LaLiga had filed an official complaint against Juventus with UEFA in April 2022 reporting financial fair play breaches being investigated by Italy´s Guardia di Finanza, an enforcement agency under the authority of the country´s Minister of Economy and Finance, and the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Turin.

LaLiga match ball. Photo Credit: Puma

Specifically, the complaint charges that Juventus accounted for transfers above fair value and under-accounted-for employee expenses, resulting in a breach of UEFA break-even requirements.

Additionally, the complaint charges that Juventus concealed the true wage bill of its players.

Agnelli has overseen Juventus' most successful period of the 21st century and Pavel Nedved is the only player to win the Ballon d'Or while playing for Juventus. Together, they have now led Juventus into a mountain of losses.

This Monday, in the same statement announcing the resignation of its Board of Directors, Juventus acknowledges financial accounting irregularities, which are also aimed at misleading UEFA financial fair play authorities, among others.

As reported by Pulse Sports Nigeria Juventus has been rocked with an immediate resignation of all the club's board members amidst allegations of false accounting.

Juventus' most senior officials have abandoned the club at a dire time

In the biggest behind-the-scenes fiasco to hit the Turin-based club since the Calciopolli scandal in 2006, Juventus confirmed that no less than 10 of Juventus' higher-ups are set to leave the club.

The board consisting of Andrea Agnelli, Pavel Nedved, Laurance Debroux, Massimo Della Ragione, Kathryn Fink, Daniela Marilungo, Francesco Roncaglio, Giorgio Tacchia, Suzanne Heywood, and Maurizio Arrivabene took a unanimous decision to resign their posts following record losses of around €254.3 million posted by the club in the last financial year.

LaLiga reacts

As part of its campaign to promote financially sustainable football in Europe, LaLiga continues to pursue these complaints against Juventus and demands immediate sporting sanctions to be applied to the club by the relevant authorities.

LaLiga has long been a major proponent for the implementation, application, and enforcement of strong financial sustainability rules in football.

Nico Jackson playing for Villarreal in La Liga

In April of this year, the Spanish first division laid out complaints on financial fair play breaches filed with UEFA against Juventus, but also Manchester City and Paris Saint Germain.

The Spanish competition itself has applied its “economic control” rules for nearly a decade, at the request of the clubs that make up the league. Financial sustainability is paramount to protecting the business of football. Protect our football.
