Louis Van Gaal opens up on his health and how he battled prostate cancer

Louis Van Gaal speaks about his health || Photo credit: Imago

Louis Van Gaal opens up on his health and how he battled prostate cancer

Stephen Oladehinde 18:05 - 10.09.2023

Louis Van Gaal has spoken about his health difficulties after recently battling with prostate cancer.

In the run-up to last year's World Cup in Qatar, the former manager of Manchester United startled international football when he revealed he was battling prostate cancer.

In a live televised interview, he said that 25 radiation treatments had been completed to treat the severe form of prostate cancer and that Van Gaal is now awaiting the results of another procedure.

According to Louis van Gaal, when he gets a checkup, he will learn if his recent cancer surgery was successful in treating his ailment.

Louis Van Gaal || Photo credit: Imago
Louis Van Gaal || Photo credit: Imago

Van Gaal explains health difficulties 

The 72-year-old said the disease's tragic physical toll and subsequent medical treatments had caused him to need assistance when using the restroom.

According to reports from Daily Mail, he emphasised that it would be a "miracle" if he could regain his independence after having surgery to remove the cancer.

Van Gaal stated that on Tuesday, September 19, he will return to the hospital to learn if his latest surgery was successful. “How am I doing? Well, I had surgery two or three weeks ago.

“They have tried to put everything in order, details of which I won't tire you with further, but now we have to wait and see.

“On September 19, I have to go back again and then everything will be decided - and then a miracle could take place that I am able to go to the toilet by myself again.”

Despite Van Gaal's condition being serious, he has in the past kept his diagnosis from the players when he led them to the World Cup.
