S*x scandals eating up women football

Bruce Mwape, Zambia's women's football head coach is under investigations for sexual misconduct|Getty Image

FOOTBALL S*x scandals eating up women football

Allan Damba 12:22 - 11.07.2023

From forced s*x, intercourse in exchange for contracts and minutes, and threats, among others, the iniquity continues to thrive.

Women's football world over has for years been marred by a scourge of s*x-related abuses, with a huge chunk of stories going untold.

From forced s*x, intercourse in exchange for contracts and minutes, and threats, among others, the iniquity continues to thrive.

In Uganda mainly, while the vice is yet to burst its banks, it allegedly exists and blossoms under closed circles.

Unconfirmed reports of same-s*x relationships, manipulation and threats surface and vanish in that cycle, yet the victims continue to weather in silence.

While the wounded in Uganda and elsewhere continue to languish in agony, the evils and wickedness are nearing an end in Zambia.

Due to compete in this month's Women's World Cup, the head coach of Zambia's women's football team, Bruce Mwape, is being investigated over allegations of sexual misconduct.

According to the Guardian, the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) said that it had referred an investigation into allegations of sexual abuse in the women's game to FIFA, football's governing body.

Mwape and the under-17 coach Kaluba Kangwa are understood to have been among the FAZ employees who were investigated.

"If he [Mwape] wants to sleep with someone, you have to say yes," one player who did not want to be named told the Guardian. "It's normal that the coach sleeps with the players in our team."

"They are being threatened with punitive action if they dare say anything about what happened," the publication quoted the source.

"The federation is looking the other way because the women have had good results."

"It's their way to show to the public and the authorities success and a good image. But behind the scenes, it's very ugly," the source added.

These villains have chased not only away worthy stakeholders, including talents and fans but also able investors.

Two renowned sports investors in the country, whose names have been withdrawn, have shunned investing in women's football for years despite the interest over fears of sexual misconduct.

Until the victims start to tell their tales openly, the currently ignored vice world over is bound to balloon into an uncontrollable plague.
