Arabella Mia: Meet naked Arsenal fan who watches games in body paint kits

Arabella Mia an Arsenal fan who paints Arsenal's jersey on her body || Credit: Arabella Mia/Instagram

Arabella Mia: Meet naked Arsenal fan who watches games in body paint kits

Stephen Oladehinde 16:05 - 11.10.2023

Arabella Mia, an Arsenal supporter, has pledged that she won't let online haters stop her from showing up at the Emirates with body paint.

The online sensation, known online as GreenGirlBella on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, has gained a sizable online fan base because of her extraordinary body painting.

The Arsenal supporter wears a fully painted Arsenal uniform to games at the Emirate stadium to support her team.

Her appearance in games has wowed football fans with many trolling her for dressing naked with just a painted jersey on her skin.

Arabella Mia, an Arsenal football fan || Credit: Arabella Mia/Instagram
Arabella Mia, an Arsenal football fan || Credit: Arabella Mia/Instagram

Arabella Mia speaks on body paint and Arsenal’s win

Mia painted the dazzling yellow away kit from Arsenal's 2023–24 season on her body before the match on Sunday at the Emirates, which she displayed to her fans.

Following the victory, she spoke exclusively to Daily Star Sport and said. "It's great! Hopefully, Man City are out of the way now. 

“They've obviously dropped points and they’re third now? So it’s good for us. But yeah, ready for the Chelsea game on the 21st!"

The social media celebrity had previously painted the home jersey of Arsenal on her body, but she changed it for the Man City game. 

Arabella Mia's look against Man City || Credit: Arabella Mia/Instagram
Arabella Mia's look against Man City || Credit: Arabella Mia/Instagram

Mia said the desire to try something new was the driving force behind it. "I wanted to do something different this time.

"And I love the away kit. To be honest, I've just thought it'd just be cool to get all the details and stuff like that. And to get a bit of a challenge."

The beautiful Arsenal fan has over 350,000 followers on Instagram and over 1.2 million followers on TikTok.

Mia not bordered by fans criticism

However, despite the remarkable body painting tricks she is capable of, internet trolls continue to harass her on social media.

Mia, who also runs OnlyFans, encountered internet criticism of her "outfit" after revealing her away uniform for the Man City game. 

She explained, "This time, I've had a lot of backlash from on Twitter, which I haven't had for the last like three times.

"Nobody says anything to my face. Like, I always get people asking for pictures, like families and stuff like that. It's never an issue when I'm there.

"I speak to the like, the police come over to me and they're always like, Oh, you look amazing, or the stewards, you know, every single time that I've gone out. 

Arabella Mia painted an Arsenal home jersey || Credit: Arabella Mia/Instagram
Arabella Mia painted an Arsenal home jersey || Credit: Arabella Mia/Instagram

“I think it's mostly just the fact that people don't know the difference between indecent exposure and people are looking at it and thinking, okay, there's kids there.

"But in my brain, I'm like, I'm fully covered. Not even my nipples are showing, the only thing that you can see is a bit of underboob if you're looking at me like I'm an object that is to be looked at and sexualised that way.

"My OnlyFans has absolutely nothing to do with it. When it comes to actually going to the games, I'm not going there, and I'm not promoting my OnlyFans. 

“I'm not giving out business cards and being like go and have a look at this. Yeah, this time around, it has been a lot harder for me.

"It's just such a shame because obviously, you know, I stand there for four hours, and go and have a great time at the game, especially when we win. And then what I come home and I've just had so much abuse this time around."

However, Mia has sworn she won't be backing down anytime soon and will continue to wear her body paint to Arsenal games in the future, despite the reaction and critical remarks on social media.

When asked if the negative feedback on social media would ever deter her, she answered, "No. Definitely not.

"I'm still gonna do it. I mean, the thing is, it's my thing now, I think that it's gonna happen. I will continue doing it. And people should always feel comfortable in their own body no matter what they look like.”
