Administration Police keen on bagging maximum points as KVF third leg serves off

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VOLLYEBALL Administration Police keen on bagging maximum points as KVF third leg serves off

Abigael Wafula 19:26 - 09.03.2023

In the second played, APK defeated KFS 3-2 in sets of 18-25, 25-20, 25-18, 17-25, and 19-17.

Administration Police of Kenya coach Francis Nguma is confident that his charges will prevail as they brace up for the third leg of the Kenya Volleyball Federation (KVF) men’s league to be staged at the Nyayo Stadium from Friday, March 10 to March 12.

Nguma noted that he has laid out a plan that will enable his players to come out with nine points. He added that he has played the sides before and he knows their game plan.

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“We are not going to give away sets easily this time round. I have studied our opponents and I know the tactics they use. Our plan is to always be ahead of them,” Nguma said.

In their opening match, APK will face off against Prisons Mombasa, in the indoor arena. They will then take on Prisons Central (indoor) and Prisons Western (outdoor) on Saturday and Sunday respectively.

In the second leg matches played, APK defeated KFS 3-2 in sets of 18-25, 25-20, 25-18, 17-25, and 19-17. They also trounced pre-match favourites Trailblazers 3-1 and maintained the hot streak in their second match against Rift Valley Prisons to win 3-2.

However, Nguma observed that their serving skills and back court were wanting despite the victory. He revealed that in their training, those were the areas they were keen to address.

He added that mainly training on an outdoor was also a disadvantage to them and they sought permission from defending champions General Service Unit to make use of their indoor court. He noted that having polished skills in the indoor and outdoor courts also places them at an added advantage.

“I thank GSU for allowing us to train in their indoor court. We usually trained in the outdoor but realised that we would struggle in the indoor games…but now, we are good to go,” he said.

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