Ireland in racism row after black girl was denied medal in gymnastics presentation

Gymnastics Ireland reacts to the racism allegation. IPhoto Credit: Gymnastics Ireland

Ireland in racism row after black girl was denied medal in gymnastics presentation

Izuchukwu Akawor 16:32 - 23.09.2023

Ireland's gymnastics body was forced to release a statement following accusations of racism against a black girl.

Gymnastics Ireland has released a statement after a video showing a young black girl denied a medal from a GymStart Event resurfaced on social media. 

The GymStart Event took place in March last year, with the young black gymnast denied a moment of glory with her mates in what has now sparked debates on racism.

This young girl had earned her place with her mates but looked shocked as everyone around her received a medal except her.

Gymnastics Ireland speaks out

With the video trending on social media, Gymnastics Ireland released a statement to address the video. 

A screenshot from the video on social media.

According to their statement, they had launched an investigation into the event following allegations of racism. 

The official who committed the act was identified, but while she accepted responsibility, the accused was said to have noted her actions were not intentional and ensured the youngster got her medal. 

Gymnastics Ireland

“We are aware of a video that has been posted on social media relating to an incident that took place over 18 months ago at a GymSTART event in March 2022 for which we received a complaint from the parents of one of our members,” Gymnastics Ireland said in their statement. 

“ Subsequently, both parties agreed to enter mediation which was independently facilitated by Sports Disputes Solutions Ireland as per our policy/procedure which led to a resolution agreed by both parties in August 2023.”

“We identified the official concerned and informed the individual in question of the complaint. The official in question accepted fully that what had happened had not been acceptable but stressed that it had not been intentional,” it added. 

“The official also expressed deep regret for what they described as an honest error and requested the opportunity to apologise in person to the competitor and her family. This request was initially declined.”

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