New Rugby Africa president issues clarion call to World Rugby and African governments

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RUGBY New Rugby Africa president issues clarion call to World Rugby and African governments

Abigael Wafula 13:00 - 15.06.2023

He argued that the true potential value of African rugby lies in treating it as big business.

Newly elected Rugby Africa president Herbert Mensah has called for a change of mindset from World Rugby and African governments.

Mensah noted that talent drain is one of the most significant sporting challenges and he requested that Africa change their approach so that the World Rugby can increase its investment on the continent.

“We also require African governments to contribute and invest in rugby so we can create more opportunities for African athletes to remain in Africa instead of seeking contracts with Western rugby teams," he said.

He added that a number of people have a poor mindset with regards to the world of rugby and he noted that the perception needed to come to an end.

“We need to change how the world views African rugby by altering our approach, showcasing our value, and demonstrating our potential for growth. African rugby is big business…let's stop pretending it is not," he said.

Mensah revealed that it is possible to reshape the world's perception of African rugby, leading to increased international competitions and the substantial revenues they bring

He argued that the true potential value of African rugby lies in treating it as the big business it is and he believes that by changing the way in which Rugby Africa operates and showcasing its value and growth potential, it is possible to reshape the world's perception of African rugby.

He added that the approach will lead to increased international competition and the substantial revenues they bring. Mensah's priority is to foster the progress and growth of rugby not only in Africa but also globally.
