Tems: Nigerian Afrobeats star throws out a ceremonial first pitch for Chicago White Sox

Nigerian Afrobeats star Tems throws out a ceremonial first pitch for the Chicago White Sox against Oakland Athletics.

Tems: Nigerian Afrobeats star throws out a ceremonial first pitch for Chicago White Sox

Tosin Abayomi 15:30 - 16.09.2024

Nigerian Afrobeats star Tems throws out a ceremonial first pitch for the Chicago White Sox against Oakland Athletics.

Nigerian singer, songwriter, and record producer Temilade Openiyi, known professionally as Tems is back involved with sports.

Tems is trending following her latest involvement in Major League Baseball (MLB) in the United States of America (USA).

Tems throws out a ceremonial first pitch for the Chicago White Sox

On Sunday, September 15, 2024, Tems threw out a ceremonial first pitch before a baseball game between the Oakland Athletics and the Chicago White Sox in Chicago.

Nigerian Afrobeats star Tems throws out a ceremonial first pitch for the Chicago White Sox against Oakland Athletics.
Nigerian Afrobeats star Tems throws out a ceremonial first pitch for the Chicago White Sox against Oakland Athletics.

The 29-year-old music star did her best but could not get the ball too far enough.

With home runs from Gavin Sheets and Bryan Ramos, the White Sox defeated the Oakland Athletics 4-3 to snap a 20-game losing streak in series. It was the team's first back-to-back victory in almost three months.

The White Sox established a 3-0 lead in the first inning and won consecutive games for the first time since three straight against Atlanta and Colorado from June 27–29. This came one day after they scored in the eighth to win 7–6 and end a 16-game home losing streak.

Nigerian Afrobeats star Tems throws out a ceremonial first pitch for the Chicago White Sox against Oakland Athletics.
Nigerian Afrobeats star Tems throws out a ceremonial first pitch for the Chicago White Sox against Oakland Athletics.

To avoid tying the 1962 New York Mets for the most defeats in a single season in modern baseball history, Chicago needs to finish 8-4 or better in their final 12 games.

This comes after Tems had a viral interview on the Breakfast Club as she continues her American tour.

Nigerian Afrobeats star Tems throws out a ceremonial first pitch for the Chicago White Sox against Oakland Athletics.
Nigerian Afrobeats star Tems throws out a ceremonial first pitch for the Chicago White Sox against Oakland Athletics.

She recently dropped her debut album titled 'Born in the Wild' and it continues to go strong on the charts.

This is not Tems involvement in sports as she was part of the cast that headlined the NBA All-Star weekend.
