Shujaa: Financial windfall that awaits Kenya after World Series return

Shujaa: Financial windfall that awaits Kenya after World Series return

Joel Omotto 10:00 - 05.06.2024

Kenya Sevens’ return to the World Series will not only boost their status but will also see the country receive more millions which they lost following 2023 relegation.

Kenya Sevens’ return to the World Series will also come with a significant financial reward which will boost their preparations for the 2025 season.

Shujaa regained their core status after a 33-15 victory against Germany in the winner take-all relegation-promotion playoff in Madrid last weekend, having suffered relegation for the first time in 19 years in 2023.

Following their relegation, Kenya missed out on substantial funding from World Rugby which left a hole in Kenya Rugby Union’s (KRU) budget but that is set to change now that they are back among the big boys.

“SportPesa gives us Ksh42 million per year and we were getting Ksh38 million from World Rugby. Now that Ksh38 million will not come because we have been relegated,” KRU chairman Sasha Mutai said following their relegation last June.

Mutai can perhaps worry less with the imminent boost to their budget from the sport’s governing body.

It was not just the funding from World Rugby that Shujaa had missed out on after relegation. Mutai admitted it was hard negotiating with potential sponsors when the team was playing in the second tier Challenger Series since it was not an attractive preposition to brands then.

Being in the global spotlight of the World Series offers great visibility, something many brands are keen on when negotiating sponsorship deals. Shujaa are the most followed, and perhaps the most popular team on the series, which is a great draw for brands and even World Rugby.

The KRU boss can now nock on the doors of potential sponsors with confidence as he has an attractive package to sell to them with the team back among the core sides.

A financially sound KRU will mean more motivation for the squad as well as investment in better infrastructure which was among the main reasons they were relegated.

Kenya Sevens, who returned to the country on Tuesday, will take a mini break before resuming their preparations for the Paris Olympics.

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