3 Interesting things to know about rumoured kerewa competition in Sweden

Beautiful Sweden ladies on display

3 Interesting things to know about rumoured kerewa competition in Sweden

Asukwo Oduo 09:35 - 05.06.2023

There was a buzz on social media recently when unverified reports claimed that Sweden had declared kerewa a national sports competition

Sweden was alleged to have declared sex a national sports competition, according to reports in The Times of India and other news outlets

The alleged reports claimed that participants in the competition would engage in sexual activities that can span up to 6 hours daily.

However, upon further investigation, Pulse Sports found the initial report was incorrect and delved into the issue to separate the facts from fiction.

Below are 3 things we know about the rumoured sex competition taking place in Sweden.

1. Sex is not a sport in Sweden 

A few days ago unconfirmed reports filtered the airwaves claiming that the government of Sweden have officially recognised sex as sports. 

The report also claimed that Sweden was staging the world's first-ever sex competition billed to commence June 8. 

However, there is no official statement from the government of Sweden making such claims, and there is no proof of sex being declared as a sport in the Scandinavian country.

2. The Swedish Sex Federation was formed by Dragan Bratic

The Swedish Sex Federation is a group formed by a man named Dragan Bratic. Reuters reports that the Swedish authorities denied an application from Bratic for the organisation to become a part of the Swedish Sports Confederation (RF by its initials in Swedish).

The Sex Federation is not a member of the national sports body Swedish Sports Confederation, Riksidrottsförbundet (RI). 

Swedish Sports Confederation, Riksidrottsförbundet (RI) spokesperson Anna Setzman told The Local

"Rumours are spreading that this group has been elected to the Swedish Sports Confederation, which is wrong, it is entirely false," 

"Anyone can submit an application and say they have a federation or an organisation and that they want to be a member, and an application was submitted from someone calling themselves the Swedish Sex Federation" 

"That application wasn't even completely filled out, so it wasn't even up for discussion. And that's essentially all we have to say about it." 

3. What about the European Sex competition? 

The rumoured competition, which the government does not back, is reportedly billed to kick off on Thursday, June 8, near Sweden and will last six weeks, according to Daily Star.

Unverified reports claim that depending on the length of their bouts, 20 participants from different countries will engage in sexual activities ranging from 45 mins to one hour daily.

 A panel of experts are said to decide the championship’s winners. However, Pulse Sports Nigeria cannot verify the authenticity of the claims regarding the competition.
